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The Millionarire Mindset-Harv Eker

 So every time I criticize how poor people think, people get really angry at me and tell me that I shouldn't hate poor people. And I'm like,"Are you out of your mind?" I don't hate poor people.I was poor for the majority of my life. And when I say poor,I mean poorer than 99% of people reading this.

I don't want to hear this bullshit of how I hate poor people.But what I do hate with my entire being is the poor person mentality.I hate it and I always have. And that is exactly why I'm not in that dark financial position anymore. If you think like a poor person,you're always going to be poor. You need to change your mindset.

These are words said by T. Harv Eker, he is an author, businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation. He is the author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind published by Harper Collins. He articulated some of the ideas that really resonated with me from his book  Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

1. The Rich think big. The Poor think small. 

Do you ever walk into a store and spend a lot of time making sure you get the best deals?That's how a poor person thinks... I'm going to spend an extra hour in here so I can find a box of cereal that's cheaper and save 30 cents on it.And that's what he's going to do for the rest of his life.

What does a rich person think?Who cares?! I'm not worried about this,I'm worried about cultivating my value, so an hour of my time can be worth a $1,000 instead of $3.48.

2. The rich focus on opportunities, while the poor focus on obstacles.

This is how the poor think, "Okay, I'll start this business, but there's a lot of competition. Maybe it won't work." A rich person will admit to the competition, but at the same time focus on "Okay, but is there any unique value. Can I bring to the market that does not currently exist?

3. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.

This is huge. I remember when I was little, a nice car passed by and everyone said something like "Uh, look at that douche bag." "Look at that douche bag."And I never really felt that way. I thought, "I'm happy that this guy has a good car." I'm going to grow, and if I want a good car, instead of complaining about it, I'm going to pick up a book and learn how. And this doesn't even have to do specifically with money.

Poor people have a generally broken ideology of life, and not having money is just one manifestation of that. It's like when a fat and skinny person walks into a gym and sees someone who is fit and in good shape, and their first reaction is, "Huh, look at that shower bag." "I wonder what kind of steroids you are using ..." And it's like, dude, not everyone in better shape than you is taking steroids. I know it's really hard to believe, but just give it a try. And even men who take steroids have a work ethic 100 times better than yours.

4. The Rich people are ready to promote themselves and their worth. Poor people tend to think negatively about sales and promotion. 

This is so crazy. I remember I started selling used phones for about 12 and I really made some money. I once bragged to my dad, and he looked at me and he basically said, "What are you proud of? You're selling things." People use an unparliamentary word for them. And I was standing there thinking "hmm ... it's weird." So selling is something that should be looked at less

Making money is something that should be looked at less. I mean, this is not important, but then I see what you do all day, and your whole day revolves around making money. I look around and everyone is still like that. Oh money is not important and talking about it is almost forbidden. Even my videos are about money and they get a lot of negativity, although this is something that people sell all their life. It's like talking to a teenager about sex that is constantly causing discomfort. "Yes, honey, sex is a very important and enjoyable part of life. You don't have to be shy about it."

5. The Rich choose to get paid based on results. The Poor  choose to get paid based on time.

I love this one.I love hearing, "I DESERVE $15 an hour." "I DESERVE $20 an hour."Yeah, but that's not how the real world works at all.If I work on a business for a year straight right now,and I work 16 hour days every single day, and I finally deliver a product that isn't useful, no one's going to give a shit.Let me ask you, are you going to buy my product just because I put a year into it? Of course not, that's not how the system works.No one cares how much time you put into anything, the real question is,can you deliver real results and real value?

6.The  Rich manage their money well.The Poor mismanage their money well.

You know, with the amount of poor people complaining about their financial situation, you think it makes sense to take a book and get to know the basics of money. But no, almost every poor person I know of is not even aware of managing money. They don't have discipline with it, they wait for that pay check and they don't know what they are doing after they get it. Instead of being jealous and constantly criticizing, choosing a book like The Richest Man in Babylon would be a great start.

7. The Rich have their money work hard for them. The Poor work hard for their money.

Again, going back to that thing of,"I work hard, I deserve to be paid this much. Look at that guy, he doesn't even work as hard as I do, and he makes a 100 times more than I do."And I'm like, "That's the most normal thing." That is how the universe works. If you walked into the gym right now,and you saw a bodybuilder who had just worked out for an hour doing exercises like squats and dead lifts. And then you went on the elliptical and did it for 5 hours, you can't   how you worked five times as hard as that guy,and are not seeing results. No one gives a shit.The universe doesn't give a shit about how hard you worked.That guy's going to gain muscle and you're not.

8. The Rich  constantly learn and grow.The Poor  think they already know.

This is one of the biggest obstacles right there. When I was poor,I said I don't know anything, I suck at this, I'm going to pick up a book and learn. But the problem is,most people who are poor also think they already know everything.And that's why they'll always be poor. I grew up in a former soviet country,and this was everything around me. Some guy who read Tolstoy at some point and got two degrees and now he thinks he knows everything.I mean, of course he wouldn't listen to some lowly person who sells stuff. Come on? Selling stuff?He read Tolstoy when he was a kid, guys. He's not gonna go that low.Even though he does work as a manual laborer during the entire day so he can feed himself.But learning about money and how it's made? Come on. Please don't offend an intellectual like him him like that. This is like the biggest plague.He doesn't even know the most basic concept of paying himself first, but he thinks he's this big genius that's got the whole system figured out. It's ridiculous. So there you go,some of my favorite ideas from this book.

Again, please don't say something stupid in the comments below, about how I hate poor people or whatever.But you're right, I do hate HOW the majority of poor people think. It's like a disease and I decided I was going to get rid of it, and that's exactly why I've improved my financial situation a 1000 times. 95% of the people I grew up with are going to stay poor for the rest of their lives,and it's because they didn't make that shift. I would recommend hating the poor person mentality with all your heart just as much as I do, otherwise get ready to be a poor victim who struggles financially for the rest of his life.


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