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Showing posts from June, 2020

The Millionarire Mindset-Harv Eker

 So every time I criticize how poor people think, people get really angry at me and tell me that I shouldn't hate poor people. And I'm like,"Are you out of your mind?" I don't hate poor people.I was poor for the majority of my life. And when I say poor,I mean poorer than 99% of people reading this. I don't want to hear this bullshit of how I hate poor people.But what I do hate with my entire being is the poor person mentality.I hate it and I always have. And that is exactly why I'm not in that dark financial position anymore. If you think like a poor person,you're always going to be poor. You need to change your mindset. These are words said by T. Harv Eker , he is an author, businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation. He is the author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind published by Harper Collins. He articulated some of the ideas that really resonated with me from his book  Secrets of the Millionaire...

Here are 5 good things you can do with customer feedback

Getting feedback from the customer is a very complex process, which is equivalent to getting blood out of the stone. Thankfully, we do not live in those times. Today, feedback is no more than an email, but customers come to you for advice and ideas. In fact, they like sharing your insights with you because if they give you more feedback, they understand your product is better. However, most of this feedback is cooling its heels on hard drives, which, considering all the good that can be done, is tragic. A tool of inspiration, a wall of love. . . Ideas are limited by your bye. To surprise your customers and your own employees, here are our top five good things you can do with customer feedback. 1. Drive the product roadmap with feedback. Take it from experts: Your customers are the stars of using your product day in and day out. No matter how much you try to empathize and put on their shoes, you will always come up with some exciting ideas that will happen to your "power users....

10 Ways to Get Into Your Customers' Heads

Exceptional knowledge creates exceptional business. How exceptional? Let's look at a real case study of what happens when you can read the minds of your customers - let's talk about Steve Jobs. Jobs knew his clients well. He is able to meet their needs, their needs, their expectations, and their obedience. But he didn't always have this strange ability to read the minds of his clients. For 30 years, he lost the mark. Apple II, Macintosh, and PowerMac suffered a low market share during the 1990s. Then he came up with the idea of creating a familiar product with a simple design, which would lead to a deeper understanding of what people really wanted. And this changed Apple's course. The company's fortune changed after a series of inventions: the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. By 2012, Apple had become the world's largest publicly-traded company. Its $ 626 billion market cap exceeds that of Google and Microsoft. Jobs found what people wanted and gave it ...

Marketing Tips for Startups-2020

Marketing the right way can be an incredible advantage for your company's net income. Badly done, however, it may seem to be throwing money into an enraged bonfire. Since small business owners need to be whatever their small business needs at any given time, it can be difficult to master all the nuances of sales or marketing. If you are not a natural seller, it can be even more difficult. Fear not, the following nine startup marketing tips can help you increase sales, improve the market, and waste less money. 1. Sell the advantage, not a comparison How you market yourself is all regarding lightness what causes you to totally different. There are 3 major ways to try and do that. Cost (you know how to evaluate the price of a product better than the competition) Quality (you're better) A combination of these (offer the best value) But how you sell yourself is different from how you market yourself. You can tell someone you offer a cheaper or more effective product or service tha...

15 Best Business Ideas for India – 2020 and 2021

To prepare you, I am going to talk a little bit about the general business landscape as it is in 2020/2021, and then we will dive into the business ideas.   GENERAL BUSINESS LANDSCAPE IN INDIA India's business landscape is poised to grow in multiple areas due to various factors such as international trade, government stimulus, and an overall strong developing country. With a young population that is reaching leadership and technology that drives growth and innovation, there are several business opportunities in multiple sectors that we will explore today. For each business idea, I will talk a little about the opportunity behind it, its startup cost potential, and where you can start running. There will certainly be a successful business idea here for you. 1. Social Impact Investment Funds Social impact is becoming a priority in India as consumers are smart and know what they consume has an effect on them and on the earth. This business idea involves raising funds from various group...