So every time I criticize how poor people think, people get really angry at me and tell me that I shouldn't hate poor people. And I'm like,"Are you out of your mind?" I don't hate poor people.I was poor for the majority of my life. And when I say poor,I mean poorer than 99% of people reading this. I don't want to hear this bullshit of how I hate poor people.But what I do hate with my entire being is the poor person mentality.I hate it and I always have. And that is exactly why I'm not in that dark financial position anymore. If you think like a poor person,you're always going to be poor. You need to change your mindset. These are words said by T. Harv Eker , he is an author, businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation. He is the author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind published by Harper Collins. He articulated some of the ideas that really resonated with me from his book Secrets of the Millionaire...
All this is about making money,There are many ways you can make buck using cyber channels. Internet is omnipotent now.I had tried many methods to make money.Failed many times,Success banged sometime.However in this blog I will be writing all tips tricks and have personally used and implemented.