Here are 20 types of Topics for a Business related Youtube Channel.That can draw new visitors and help build customer relationships. Youtubing can be a great way to draw new customers to your business.
Customer success story. When you receive a great testimonial from a customer, ask for permission to turn it into a video. Use the video to solicit more customer stories.
Mention a popular Youtuber. If you notice a post by a popular Youtuber in your niche getting a lot of attention, add your viewpoint and link to the original video. Be sure to let that A-list Youtuber know about your comment and link.
Disagree with a popular opinion. Get viewer by stirring up controversy and taking a contrary position.
Riff on the news. How are current events affecting your customers? Run a Google Alert on certain keywords related to your business or industry to find relevant news items to discuss.
Compile a link roundup. If you notice several interesting opinions on a topic, you can pull them together into a single video of the best ideas.
Play off the familiar. Mention a celebrity or a pop culture touchstone and your viewers will instantly relate.
Answer the questions everyone is asking. An FAQ post shows you're responsive and saves customers time.
Pose your own question. What would you like to know about your customers? Just ask, and let your viewers create the content.
Talk about trends. You convey authority when you tell how things are evolving in your industry.
Discuss future plans. Give viwers a sneak peek at what you'll do in the coming year to start generating interest.
Review a book. If you've read a book you think customers might like, give it a video-up.
Review a product or service. This shouldn't be one of your own products or services or a direct competitor's offering, but rather a related item your customers might want to learn about.
Comparison test. Provide even more value by comparing two or more related products or services.
Create a regular feature. Do a "customer of the week" spotlight or create a monthly collection of the best online articles that match your customers' interests.
Create a contest. Offer a prize for the most interesting customer suggestion or use of your product.
Report on a conference. Quote inspiring speakers or tell viewers about the latest trends and ideas from the conference that you'll be implementing
Explain how you do it. Do you have a special way you make your product, handle returns or welcome new customers? Describe your process.
Share your customer feedback. If you use customer comment cards or do customer surveys, turn some highlights into a post.
Explain how you do it. Do you have a special way you make your product, handle returns or welcome new customers? Describe your process.
Keyword posts. Check your Google Analytics to see which keyword searches bring customers to your videos. Then do videos on those topics.
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